
"Leonard is truly a Master Healer all through Presence. Watching him directly, honestly yet tenderly address the "wounded child" in us all was absolutely surgical in its approach. Attending his retreat brought greater depth and experience for my journey into and residing in Presence."

Caroline, Ventura, CA
"Leonard, thank you for your eloquent answer to my question about Advaita. What you said about illusion was exactly what I wanted to know. I felt totally unified with you during your whole webcast. Everything you said is totally TRUE for me. How grateful I am that my life coincided with yours. What a great gift of Beauty, Truth and Love."

Knud, Denmark
"Leonard and Mary, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I am so grateful for you both. I Love you both."

Kathy, Cincinnati, Ohio
"Leonard, there really are no words to express my gratitude for your wisdom! You speak the truth in a way that takes me to a very deep space, and today especially I am feeling such gratitude because I am having surgery tomorrow morning and after watching you, I am feeling so present and am able to embrace my vulnerability."

Yuki, Tokyo, Japan
"Dear Leonard and Mary, I love watching your webcast in front of my computer. Thank you so much for your profound teaching and your simple and warm presence. I feel content, full and peaceful."

Rika, Kawasaki, Japan
"As always, it (the webcast) was exactly what I needed to hear. It is always refreshing and a great reminder. I appreciate your work very much, and I am grateful to be able to watch and listen from a thousand miles away."

Elaine, Bel Air, MD
"It is a very pleasure to participate/view Leonard's webcasts. The more I hear Leonard's teachings, the more I feel that what he shares with us is exactly what Buddha told us 2,500 years ago. But I think Leonard's way of teaching is easier to understand and accept, especially in the Western world."

DeRay, Mt. Shasta, CA
"Thanks Leonard for sharing your life & your teaching so clearly. Thanks Mary for your beauty & loving, powerful support for Leonard & your example in wakeful living."

Jody, Boca Raton, FL
"Leonard, Thank You for what you do and how easily I hear the words you speak. I wasn't looking for you. I have never heard of you before. I have been on this truth path for 30 years. One day searched YouTube with the word "ego". Any way, you came up on YouTube. After you said three words I said Thank God!!! Where else is there to search? What important information you share with the world."

Caroline, Ventura, California
"Hi Leonard, What a beautiful session. You touched on the essence of my journey in this lifetime. I felt that you gave me all I need to hear. What more is there? So simple, yet so profound. What joy and gratitude I have for your teachings."