
There is no greater power than the power of love, which arises from Presence.

Why does the ego resist Presence? awaken awakening consciousness illusion of separation love peace presence silent mind

As you become fully present, thoughts stop. But the ego exists within a framework of thought. If thoughts stop, the ego feels like it is disappearing. It feels like death to the ego. Do you think the ...

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Belief in God is an obstacle to knowing God awaken awakening consciousness love peace presence silent mind

God is real. God is here now, but we are not. We are lost in the past and future world of the mind. We are lost in a world of illusion and separation. We are lost in ideas, opinions, concepts and beli...

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Devotion To The Teacher awaken awakening consciousness ego illusion of separation love oneness

There is a tendency to project the source of truth onto another. This often happens in our relationship with the teacher and it acts as a barrier to true awakening.

One Thursday evening, at one of my...

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Nurturing the Seed of Presence love oneness peace presence

Being present is immensely worthwhile. It opens you into the truth of life. It opens you into peace, love, truth and Oneness. It releases you from the pain of the past and anxiety about the future. It...

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Overcoming Obstacles To Awakening awaken awakening healing the past love overcoming obstacles presence

In the last teaching, I spoke about how to liberate yourself from the world of the thinking mind into the world of NOW. I shared the key to becoming present, which is remarkably simple. However remain...

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