
There is no greater power than the power of love, which arises from Presence.

The Walk awaken awakening awreness consciousness illusion of separation nonduality presence

A man went for a walk one day. As he walked, he became aware that he was feeling lost and alone. Rather than push the feelings away, he allowed them to be present with him. "I'm lost. I am all...

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Why does the ego resist Presence? awaken awakening consciousness illusion of separation love peace presence silent mind

As you become fully present, thoughts stop. But the ego exists within a framework of thought. If thoughts stop, the ego feels like it is disappearing. It feels like death to the ego. Do you think...

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The Way of Awakening awaken awakening consciousness emotions illusion of separation oneness presence silent mind

In this moment, are you present or are in your mind? If you are truly present, then you are an awakened being, at least for this moment. If you wander off into your mind, you are entering a world...

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How do you know when you are truly present? illusion of separation peace presence silent mind

There is a very clear distinction between the awakened state of Presence and the world of the mind?

When you are fully present, thoughts stop and your mind is silent. That is the test of Presence....

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The Choice awaken awakening consciousness ego illusion of separation presence

To be a full awakened Being, grounded in the present moment is your natural state. But most people have disconnected from this awakened state and become absorbed into the world of the mind. The...

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Who Is Enlightened? awaken awakening ego illusion of separation oneness peace presence silence

In order to maintain the awakened state of consciousness, we cannot become identified with whatever we are experiencing, including peak experiences. Beyond all experience is the one experiencing.


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Devotion To The Teacher awaken awakening consciousness ego illusion of separation love oneness

There is a tendency to project the source of truth onto another. This often happens in our relationship with the teacher and it acts as a barrier to true awakening.

One Thursday evening, at one of...

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Keys To Awakening awaken awakening consciousness emotions illusion of separation presence

The most fundamental key to awakening is to become more present in your life. Then you can be unconditionally loving and accepting of yourself at the level of personality. This includes all those...

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The Master Lesson awakening illusion of separation oneness presence

There are many lessons to be learned over many lifetimes. But the master lesson is that Oneness and the Eternal is already here and has always been here. That which you seek is already here, and...

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